Website Burn Institute
We educate and inspire communities to reduce burn injuries and empower those affected by burn trauma.
The Burn Institute seeks to increase the size and diversity of our Board with individuals who represent an ethnicity other than Caucasian, identify as female, and have experience and competencies including:
Banking, Insurance, Media/marketing, Public relations, Biotech/life sciences/pharmaceutical, CPA, IT or software, Education, Military
Overarching Board Role and Responsibilities
The Burn Institute Board of Directors is the legal governing body of the non-profit organization and has legal, management, financial and program oversight. The Board is comprised of a diverse group of people from a variety of industries including the fire service, medical community, businesses and volunteers. The Board holds in trust the organization’s future as well as its present; the collective judgment of the Board will affect it as an institution of service to the community.
The following is a listing of the Board’s major responsibilities:
- Preserve and when necessary reshape the Burn Institute’s mission and set major operating policies
- Establish strategic direction and ensure setting of annual organization goals and priorities
- Oversee fiscal policy, financial controls and approve annual budget
- Ensure adequate resources for the organization to fulfill its mission
- Assess performance of organization against its mission and key program priorities
- Advise on and monitor agency’s policies and programs to ensure effectiveness and alignment with mission and goals
- Build/enhance the Burn Institute’s public image and reputation with key stakeholders/community
- Identify and recruit volunteer leadership – board members, committee members, volunteers
- Select, develop and evaluate the Executive Director
- Assess and improve Board’s collective performance
New board members serve an initial term of one year, followed by subsequent terms of two years. The number of terms a board member may serve is not limited.
Board meetings are typically held the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00p.m. in the Burn Institute conference room located at 8825 Aero Drive, San Diego, CA 92123. (Virtual meeting options available. ) Numerous special events are held throughout the community and members are encouraged to participate in other programs and services to better acquaint themselves.
Individual Board Member Responsibilities and Requirements
In order to carry out the general Board responsibilities, individual Board members agree to perform the following specific responsibilities
- Be an ambassador by actively supporting the mission of the Burn Institute
- Attend at least 3 of the 5 of the scheduled board meetings.
- Make an annual financial contribution that is personally meaningful. *
- Attend a minimum of three special Burn Institute events per year.
- Be informed about the Burn Institute’s programs and services.
Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings. - Comply with the Conflict of Interest policy and disclosure form.
- Participate actively on at least one Board Standing Committee or Ad-hoc committee.
Standing Committees vary in their level of activities, but typically meet 1-4 times a year. The standing committees are: Board Governance, Budget and Finance, Programs and Spirit of Courage Awards recipient selection Committee. Current Ad-hoc Committees are: Personnel, Investment and Fundraising and meet when needed.
* Board Member’s Role in Resource Development: In addition to the personal financial contribution, it is desirable and encouraged that board members engage in the following activities to the best of their ability:
· Join the President’s Circle by personally donating $1,000
· Actively promote the organization through professional contacts and seek corporate and individual donations to the organization
· Bring potential supporters to Burn Institute programs and events and provide the staff with introductions to contacts
· Support Burn Institute’s application for funds in whatever way one’s standing expertise or relationship with potential grantors makes possible
To apply for this job email your details to sday@burninstitute.org